Dear Friends and Members in the Path of Peace,
Instead of my weekly sharing/reflection I am offering this request for helping with the following. Because it comes with a sense of urgency (January 15th) this can be perceived as a demand. I truly, truly only wish you to get involved if it would bring your pleasure and help serve life in the ways that bring joy and satisfaction to you. How you can tell the difference between a request and a demand is if the requester really values connection over the request itself and doesn't mind hearing a "no." In my case I am smiling with the delight of working and sharing with you our hopes of peace in our families and lives and that is quite remarkable for me. And hoping to grow in that connection - connection first for me and action arises out of what we share together.
So to the request. I have been following the internet community building of President-Elect Obama and his team that is looking for the top ten issues the people of the US wish him to concentrate upon. Right now, Empathy and the Department of Peace have made it into the final selection. And Empathy has a good chance of getting in the top ten - this could really happen!
I'm hoping that you'd be willing to read further in this blog, and then consider the request to spread the word and vote yourself? For my part, I admit to wanting ease and from that space choosing to not bother with one more internet activity. Also in me though is the dream of a government that understands the value of empathy, of inclusion, of the dream of peace echoed throughout it's branches. I long to live that way, in fact, it's what first got me into NVC (Compassionate Communication). I have heard from so many NVC trainers and people on the various NVC list serves that I am hopping on this particular peace train and making requests myself of others.
My first request though is what you make of this request and how goes your time management and your dreams of peace? I don't hear from so many people on our UU email list serves for peace/NVC these days and I wonder if life is overwhelming for so many. Is this close to true? My second request then is if you will read further and go to the websites and vote for Empathy and the Department of Peace. My third request is if you could spread this word to your friends, congregations, UU/NVC contacts, etc. The deadline is January 15th, so there isn't much time - hence the urgency and the tinklings of a demand. May it instead feel like the beloved community calling your forward in delight and pleasure.
In gratitude,
LoraKim Joyner
UU Fellowship of Gainesville
Compassionate Communication Working Group Co-ChairT
here's a movement of citizens inspired by the presidential campaign whoare deciding the top 10 ideas for how they think the Obama administrationshould change America. It's called "Ideas for Change in America," and it'sbeing run by There are two proposals: One is called “Bridging the Empathy Gap- Yes We Can!”
and the other is “Appoint a Secretary of Peace in Department of Peace andNon-Violence
Your votes are not just about bringing ideas to the ObamaAdministration your votes are about creating awareness and leverage tomake change. and the Case Foundation along with othernon-profits will create a lobbying campaign to develop the top 10 Ideasand bring them to the congress.
SPREAD THE WORD in any way you can think of to get us there. Click on anylink here. It takes about 5 minutes or less. Make sure you follow theinstructions until the vote box turns and stays red.As I write, “Bridging the Empathy Gap - Yes we Can!”
is in 15th place with 3391 votes and rising at about 35 votes/hour. Weneed to increase that to about 50/hour to be within the top 10.