Love is both a feeling and a need. Love as a feeling is transitory and is what we experience when our need for love is met. Love as a need is universal in nature, is always present, and it not connected to any person at any particular time. Love is a core need, is a precious need, and is always with us. Meeting this need can happen in a variety of ways. It need not happen through one person such as a partner, parent, or child. I also feel that love can be a request and is a doable action in the moment. In fact, I believe there is a way to observe without judgment that is love in action – it just flows from the heart as a way of seeing the world. So love is observation, feeling, need, and strategy/invitation/request – it’s everything!
This is just about my favorite need! I often go around singing “all you need is love, love, love.” And my favorite movie might just be “Love Actually” where there is this quote: “When the planes hit the Twin Towers, as far as I know none of the phone calls from the people on board were messages of hate or revenge - they were all messages of love. If you look for it, I've got a sneaky feeling you'll find that love actually is all around.” I really do believe love is all around – love as the beautiful energy of the needs. The light of the day and the depth of the night’s dark shimmers with the possibility of love. Love as a feeling “ain’t enough” but love as a need to guide us and to be in touch with, is all around, and is the power of interconnection that makes us whole.